choke - определение. Что такое choke
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Что (кто) такое choke - определение

Choke (movie); Choke (disambiguation); The Choke; Choke (EP); Choke (film); Choke (song)
Найдено результатов: 137
n. (on a car)
1) to pull out; push in the choke
2) an automatic; manual choke
1) (D; intr.) to choke on (to choke on a bone)
2) (d; intr.) to choke with (to choke with emotion)
3) (misc.) to choke to death
·noun The tied end of a cartridge.
II. Choke ·noun A constriction in the bore of a shotgun, case of a rocket, ·etc.
III. Choke ·vt To obstruct by filling up or clogging any passage; to block up.
IV. Choke ·vi To be checked, as if by choking; to Stick.
V. Choke ·vt To affect with a sense of strangulation by passion or strong feeling.
VI. Choke ·vt To make a choke, as in a cartridge, or in the bore of the barrel of a shotgun.
VII. Choke ·noun A stoppage or irritation of the windpipe, producing the feeling of strangulation.
VIII. Choke ·vt To hinder or check, as growth, expansion, progress, ·etc.; to Stifle.
IX. Choke ·vi To have the windpipe stopped; to have a spasm of the throat, caused by stoppage or irritation of the windpipe; to be strangled.
X. Choke ·vt To render unable to breathe by filling, pressing upon, or squeezing the windpipe; to Stifle; to Suffocate; to Strangle.
<jargon> To fail to process input or, more generally, to fail at any endeavor. E.g. "NULs make System V's "lpr(1)" choke." See barf, gag. [Jargon File] (2006-09-20)
¦ verb
1. prevent from breathing by constricting or obstructing the throat or depriving of air.
have difficulty in breathing because of an obstructed throat or lack of air.
2. fill (a space) so as to make movement difficult or impossible.
3. make (someone) speechless with strong emotion.
4. enrich the fuel mixture in (a petrol engine) by reducing the intake of air.
¦ noun
1. a valve in the carburettor of a petrol engine used to reduce the amount of air in the fuel mixture.
2. a narrowed part of a shotgun bore serving to restrict the spread of the shot.
3. an inductance coil used to smooth the variations of an alternating current or to alter its phase.
ME: from OE aceocian (v.), from ceoce (see cheek).
¦ noun the inedible mass of silky fibres at the centre of a globe artichoke.
C17: prob. a confusion of the ending of artichoke with choke1.
(chokes, choking, choked)
When you choke or when something chokes you, you cannot breathe properly or get enough air into your lungs.
The coffee was almost too hot to swallow and made him choke for a moment...
A small child could choke on the doll's hair...
Dense smoke swirled and billowed, its rank fumes choking her...
The girl choked to death after breathing in smoke...
Within minutes the hall was full of choking smoke.
VERB: V, V on n, V n, V to n, V-ing
To choke someone means to squeeze their neck until they are dead.
The men pushed him into the entrance of a nearby building where they choked him with his tie.
= strangle
If a place is choked with things or people, it is full of them and they prevent movement in it.
The village's roads are choked with traffic...
His pond has been choked by the fast-growing weed.
VERB: usu passive, be V-ed with n, be V-ed by n
The choke in a car, truck, or other vehicle is a device that reduces the amount of air going into the engine and makes it easier to start.
N-COUNT: usu sing, usu the N
I. v. a.
Suffocate, stifle, smother, strangle, throttle.
Suppress, overpower, overcome, stifle, smother, keep down.
Obstruct, close, block, stop, bar.
II. v. n.
Be choked, strangle, suffocate.
Choking coil         
  • url= }}</ref>
  • ferrite "bead" choke]], consisting of a cylinder of ferrite encircling a computer power cord to block electronic noise.
  • Measurement experiment set up
  • MF]] or [[HF radio]] choke for tenths of an ampere, and a [[ferrite bead]] [[VHF]] choke for several amperes.
Choke (electricity); Common mode choke; Choke coil; Choking Coil; Filter choke; Common-mode choke
·add. ·- A coil of small resistance and large inductance, used in an alternating-current circuit to impede or throttle the current, or to change its phase;
- called also reactance coil or reactor, these terms being now preferred in engineering usage.
Choke (electronics)         
  • url= }}</ref>
  • ferrite "bead" choke]], consisting of a cylinder of ferrite encircling a computer power cord to block electronic noise.
  • Measurement experiment set up
  • MF]] or [[HF radio]] choke for tenths of an ampere, and a [[ferrite bead]] [[VHF]] choke for several amperes.
Choke (electricity); Common mode choke; Choke coil; Choking Coil; Filter choke; Common-mode choke
In electronics, a choke is an inductor used to block higher-frequency alternating currents while passing direct current (DC) and lower-frequencies alternating current (AC) in an electrical circuit. A choke usually consists of a coil of insulated wire often wound on a magnetic core, although some consist of a doughnut-shaped "bead" of ferrite material strung on a wire.
Choke (sports)         
Choke Artists; Choke (sport); Choke artist
In sports, choking is the failure of a person, or persons, to act or behave as anticipated or expected. This can occur in a game or tournament that they are strongly favoured to win, or in an instance where they have a large lead that they squander in the late stages of the event.
Choke (novel)         
Choke is a 2001 novel by American author Chuck Palahniuk. The story focuses on Victor, a sex addict and con man.

